Record of Events
Annual General Meeting for HRUBA toook place March 23, 2024
We met for fellowship, worship, and our annual business from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm at West End Baptist Church at 1986 Preston St. in Halifax.
The annual report booklet is available here:
A Conversation with Renée MacVicar: December 9, 2023
Renée MacVicar is the newly appointed Executive Minister of the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada (CBAC). We had a special opportunity to hear her and to let her hear our feedback, input, hopes, concerns and dreams for CBAC.
1) Workshop: "Joining God in the Neighbourhood"
2) Listening Session: Part of the Executive Minister's Listening Tour
This event was held on Saturday, December 9, 2023 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, lunch provided, at Bedford Baptist Church, 158 Rocky Lake Drive, Bedford.
A poster for the event is available here.
Special Meeting of the Association Body of Delegates: December 2, 2023
This Special Meeting of the Association Body of Delegates from HRUBA Member Churches was held on Saturday, December 2, 2023 at West End Baptist Church, 1986 Preston St. Halifax, starting at 10:00 am with conversation and coffee. Those attening via Zoom joined at 10:15 am with the Business Meeting starting at 10:130 am.
The purpose of the meeting was to recieve and vote on a Report from the Nominating Committee, which had been able fill some immediate vacancies among Association Officers and Council Members. The Agenda for the Meeting and the Nomination Committee Report and Motions are available here.
The Report from the Nominating Committee was received and all the motions were passed.
Encounter with Terry: June 3, 2023
This event took place on at Birch Cove Baptist Church on Saturday, June 3, 2023, 09:00am - 12:00pm followed by light lunch. This was our first "in-person" event since the start of COVID-19 restrictions and was open to all interested members of HRUBA Churches.
Rev. Dr. Terry Atkinson is the Interim Executive Minister of the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada (CBAC), and he is touring to get input from local churches and associations on future directions for CBAC.
The topic was: "CBAC and Local Churches: Needs and Visions for the Future."
Following his presentation, Terry answered questions, provided his perspective on issues, and listened to comments from those gathered.
A copy of the program is available here.
At the request of several pastors of small churches who were looking for networking opportunities, the HRUBA Council organised a half-day encounter for pastors of HRUBA Churches with 50 or fewer members.
A copy of the Invitation is available here.
A copy of the Program is available here.
Annual General Meeting: March 14, 2023
The Annual Meeting of the Halifax Region United Baptist Association was held via Zoom at 7:00 pm.
The AGM Agenda is available here.
The Annual Report Book is available here.
Draft Minutes of the Meeting are available here.
HRUBA 2022 Pre-Advent Christmas Desert Event: November 26, 2022
A copy of the Invitation to this event is available here.
A copy of the event Program is available here.
HRUBA Re-Engaging Togetherness: An Association Workshop: June 18, 2022
A copy of the Invitation to this event is available here.
A copy of the event Program is available here.