
From time-to-time we will make informational posts available here. Items will be in reverse chronological order and only the first part of each will appear. Please click on the READ MORE buttons to see the full articles.

Annual General Meeting for HRUBA: March 23, 2024

We met for fellowship, worship, and our annual business from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm at West End Baptist Church at 1986 Preston St. in Halifax. 

A copy of the Annual Report Booklet with an Agenda for the meeting is available here. 

Special Meeting of HRUBA Churches

This Special Meeting of the Association Body of Delegates from HRUBA Member Churches was held on Saturday, December 2, 2023 at West End Baptist Church, 1986 Preston St. Halifax, starting at 10:00 am with conversation and coffee for those present in person.  Those attending via Zoom joined at 10:15 am.  The Business Meeting started at 10:30 am.

The purpose of the meeting was to recieve and vote on a Report from the Nominating Committee, which has been able fill some immediate vacancies among Association Officers and Council Members.  The Agenda for the Meeting and the Nomination Committee Report and Motions are available here.

The Report of the Nominating Committee was received and all the motions were passed.

Fall 2023 Letter to Member Churches

The Fall 2023 Letter to Member Churches, with Nominating Committee Report and Motions for the December 2, 2023 Meeting of the Association Body of Delegates is available here.

Update to the HRUBA Policy and Procedures Manual

At the June 22, 2023 meeting of the HRUBA Council, changes to several sections of the HRUBA Policy and Procedures Manual were made.

The most significant change was substantial updating of the section dealing with License to Minister or License for Lay Ministry (pages 28-35).  The changes will implement the CBAC Licensing process within the HRUBA.  The new process is more streamlined and integrated and affects the process that will be used by HRUBA, Member Churches and persons wishing to be recognized with the License to Minister (progress toward ordination) or the Lay License to Minister (progress toward designation as a Recognized Lay Leader).

Changes were also made to the section on the Dalhousie University Chaplaincy (pages 38-39), the section on Refugees (page 41) and page 25 of the Background Information for Local Baptist Churches or Faith Groups Wishing to Consider Joining the Halifax Region United Baptist Association (pages 22 to 26).

A copy of the updated document is available here.

Information on all of our governing documentation is available at Halifax Region United Baptist Association - Our Governing Documents (
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