Events Calendar
Encounter With Terry--RESCHEDULED
RESERVE THIS DATE: This is our first "in-person" event since the start of COVID-19 restrictions and is open to all interested members of HRUBA Churches.
Come together with friends from other HRUBA Churches to engage the Rev. Dr. Terry Atkinson for a time of discussion. Terry is the Interim Executive Minister of the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada (CBAC), and he is touring to get input from local churches and associations on future directions for CBAC.
The topic is: "CBAC and Local Churches: Needs and Visions for the Future."
Following a short presentation, Terry will answer questions, provide his perspective on issues, and listen to comments from those gathered. Come and be a part of the discussion.
Followed by light lunch (freewill offering)
A poster with details is available here
Please help us plan for lunch by pre-registering (church and names of attendees) by following this link Registrar (
We look forward to seeing you there!
Location: Birch Cove Baptist Church
Contact Person: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.